Social Advantage and Disadvantage published by OUP

This volume, edited by Hartley Dean and myself, investigates the patterns, drivers and consequences of wealth and privilege as well as those of marginalisation and deprivation. The book has brought together an exciting range of scholars from different disciplines to shed light on different aspects of social advantage and disadvantage and their implications. The 17 … More Social Advantage and Disadvantage published by OUP

Long-term ill health, poverty and ethnicity

Long-term ill health, poverty and ethnicity presents findings from a detailed new investigation into the experiences of individuals living with long-term ill-health and their families. New in-depth qualitative material is combined with secondary analyses of national datasets to examine the ways in which long-term ill-health impacts upon different dimensions of poverty. The book explores the links between long-term … More Long-term ill health, poverty and ethnicity

Child poverty, employment and ethnicity

Child poverty, employment and ethnicity in the UK: the role and limitations of policy discusses the intersection between child poverty and ethnic minority unemployment policy by illustrating the extent of child poverty as ethnically differentiated and exploring the ways in which it is related to aspects of employment. The article goes on to consider the policy implications for … More Child poverty, employment and ethnicity

Discovering child poverty

Discovering child poverty presents an overview of 200 years of investigation into and responses to the plight of poor children. It investigates attitudes to poor children 200 years ago and asks how child poverty emerged as both a quantifiable and urgent issue. The book includes chapters on children and work, education and child poverty research to provide the essential context … More Discovering child poverty